
The Image module provides a class with the same name which is used to represent an image.

Images provide a way of loading images easily from multiple sources and a simple but powerful way of applying Transforms/Pipelines.


EasyCV uses BGR color scheme in the internal representation. This makes the interface with opencv easier and faster. Be aware of this if you use the array directly.


Load Images

The following script loads and displays an image from a file and then from a url.

from easycv import Image

img = Image("lenna.jpg").show()
img_from_url = Image("").show()

Apply transforms

The following script uses the image from the last example. It turns the image into grayscale and then blurs it.

from easycv.transforms import Blur, Grayscale

img = img.apply(Grayscale())
img = img.apply(Blur(sigma=50))


If you are running Easycv inside a jupyter notebook there is no need to call show() , the image will be displayed if you evaluate it.

Lazy Images

Lazy images are only loaded/computed when their updated array data is needed. Methods that need the updated image need to have this decorator to ensure that the image is computed before their execution.

Image Class