Perspective Examples

from easycv import Image, Pipeline
from easycv.transforms import Perspective, Select

For this example we will load an example image from the images folder.

img = Image('images/hello.png')


To execute a perspective transform we just apply the Prespective Transform with the desired points to the image, for more information check the reference.

points = [(71, 238), (354, 114), (470, 257), (186, 437)] # corners of the paper


We could also select the points with the Select Transform, for more information check the reference.

points = img.apply(Select.point(n=4))["points"]
[(71, 238), (352, 114), (470, 258), (187, 437)]

And then call as we did in the last example.


We can also create a pipeline that selects and applies the perspective transform.

pipe = Pipeline([Select.point(n=4), Perspective()])
Pipeline (pipeline) with 2 transforms
    1: Select (method=point, n=4)
    2: Perspective (method=(...), points=(...))

This will open a window asking to select the points and then execute a perspective transform on the selected points.
